Beyond Finance

For over 15 years, we have been working at the heart of the largest financial institutions. Our financial engineers optimise critical information systems related to financial market activities.

IT & Finance.

Supporting the financial sector.

Under constantly increasing regulatory and competitive pressure, financial institutions have to rely on robust partners in their digital transformation. Our expertise supports the financial sector across their multi-asset activities, front-to-back chain, risk management and the regulatory sphere.


How do you manage the operational needs of teams who are scattered around the world? How can you take advantage of regulatory constraints to improve the data quality of your information system, or create a competitive advantage? Post-trade expertise helps your teams to understand functions such as accounting, settlement delivery, principles of scientific management, collateral, clearing houses and central securities depositories.


The current banking system has been disrupted in recent years by two major changes. The first is the competitive entry of new actors (GAFAM, Fintech) into the market, brought about by techno-logical changes responding to consumers’ needs. The second change is regulatory, with an unprecedented number of mandatory and critical prudential requirements (FRTB, financial risks related to climate change etc). Our expertise in risks will support you in this restrictive atmosphere.

Modelling and pricing

Our modelling and pricing expertise supports the valuation of income products in the actual context of negative interest rates, pricing in a multi-curve environment, or market-based adjustment modelling, all of which are important challenges facing financial institutions’ modelling teams.

Transversal Business Analysis

For our financial institution clients, the roll-out of a reliable and resilient systems of information is an increasingly critical requirement for the achievement of their business objectives.
Clearly, the construction of such systems requires sophisticated IT development resources. Naturally, transversal business analysis implies the provision of resources to deliver delivering these systems.

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Why should I use a financial consultancy?

What are the issues driving market finance for a consultancy like INVIVOO?

Invivoo’s clients are mostly financial institutions whose core business is market finance. By supporting its clients in the construction of innovative, reliable, robust and sustainable information sys-tems, Invivoo considers market finance as an area in which its employees must develop the exper-tise and skills essential to the success of their missions.

How does Invivoo present its offer of services in market finance?

Invivoo has structured its financial services sector offer around its multiple business expertise. Pricing & risks expertise develops our activities on pricing subjects and financial risks management. Post-trade expertise embodies Invivoo’s position as a major player in financial instrument operations management services. In addition to these two areas of expertise, there are other functional areas of expertise that translate Invivoo’s offer of business services around market finance.

Could you describe a few typical market finance assignments?

We support our clients in functional analysis of the implementation of financial derivatives product development systems. We also offer certification for market activities supervision systems. Overall, Invivoo offers project management assignments in rich and promising topics in market finance, such as the life-cycle management of financial instruments, pricing financial products or risk management.