Applied Support and Production

The support and applied production functions bridge the gap between users and the IT depart-ment, as well as ensuring the availability of applications. Driven by a great sense of service and ease of communication, the responsibility of the partners in this role is to answer to information system requests in compliance with quality and service good practice (ITIL, ITSM).

Our approach.

Ensure quality, availability and integrity of applications in the face of growing performance re-quirements.

In order to satisfy the growing expectations of any apps’ performance, “Support and Applied Pro-duction” manages operations with a cross-cutting vision and a strong relationship with the R&D departments. Invivoo’s applied production expertise maintains a coherent view of functional requirements and know-how, which can be implemented regardless of the technical platforms involved (Network, Storage, Hardware, Middleware, Software, Cloud IaaS/PaaS/SaaS, Container, etc.) and broadcast to as many people as possible.
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Prénom Nom

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Other Deliver & Run expertise

Why should you use a consultancy for applied infrastructure support?

What is ITSM ?

ITSM means “Information Technology Service Management.” It is simply how IT teams manage the end-to-end delivery of IT services to customers.
The ITSM approach to IT management in digital services serves as the foundation to the principles set out in ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library).
Since February 2019, ITIL v4 integrates new Agile and DevOps practices.

What is MOC?

Maintenance in operational condition (MOC), is the set of measures taken to guarantee the opera-tion of systems and applications to avoid an unacceptable alteration of the usual working condi-tions.

What is availability?

Availability indicates the ability to accomplish a required function under specific circumstances and conditions (not to be confused with “timeliness of response” or “operating time”). Mastering the principles of availability optimizes the costs and the quality of the IT departments services by meticulously responding to functional needs.