DevOps expertise

« DevOps » isn’t just a buzzword. More than a job description, it’s a way of rethinking objectives in development and operations teams. DevOps is an agile system which aims to constantly improve a product for the final user.

Our approach.

With our DevOps expertise, you can increase the frequency of your releases and reduce production errors with increased automation and shorter cycles.

In order to achieve this, DevOps prescribes iterative development to produce useful functions for users, as well as whole chain test automation and roll-out which brings together consistency of operations and speed of execution. The goal of Invivoo’s DevOps expertise is to share technical intelligence, best practice and potential synergies between DevOps tools. Making two historically separate professions work together is the driving force behind our philosophy and our goal.
Christophe Godard

Christophe Godard

Manager | Devops

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